What to look for when planning a trip to Goa?

There is not a single group of friends who have not made plans to visit Goa, scrapped them and made them again. While there is a lot of tips and tricks to plan the perfect trip to Goa on the internet, we give you a list of things that you can look for as you plan your trip to Goa.

Right from which car to rent to the best Goa hotel packages, there are tons of things to take into consideration.

In this article, we list down all that you need to look out for when you are planning a trip to Goa. 


  • Dates of travel:


Your travel dates have a lot to do with how expensive your trip will be. So, if you plan to travel on weekdays, you may find better hotel packages or deals in Goa. If you club long holidays with the weekends, the rate of accommodations and overall expense may double. Similarly, the peak season in Goa commences from the 1st November to 20th December, which the super-peak season starts from 21st December to 10th January. During this time, your expense will go up irrespective of how efficient is your Goa hotel deal. So, budget travelers should ideally avoid this season. Plus, in the peak season, one can’t explore the place much as it tends to get flooded with tourists. 


  • Commutation options:


Now, you can either explore Goa with a tour company or by yourself. We suggest the latter is better. So, if you are trying to get around the place by yourself, then the best way to commute is a bike. There are plenty of bike rentals all around Goa. The prices may vary from Rs.250 to Rs.400 on regular days and could go up to Rs.1000 during long holidays or weekends. For bike rentals, you can also check with the hotel you will be staying with. Some Goa hotel packages also include an option of rental bikes and scooters. Ensure you have a valid driver’s license.


  • Accommodation in Goa:


Perhaps the most crucial point in planning a trip to Goa. Although Goa has a plethora of options when it comes to accommodation, it is really you who can pick the best stay for yourself. So, you can either choose to stay in an Airbnb or hostels or shacks or luxury hotels. If you do decide to stay in a hotel, pick from the various hotel deals in Goa and pick the one best suits your budget.

Although there are many tips that you will find on the internet as you plan your travel to Goa, but, not everything can be taken as final. To experience the city for what it is, one has to travel by themselves. So, do consider our tips as mentioned above, but, make room for your experiences too.


Barbara Moody

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